Pulau Dewata, merupakan salah satu pulau paling popular di Indonesia bahkan di dunia terutama karena pariwisatanya. Bali terletak di antara Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Lombok tepatnya 8°25′23″ Lintang Selatan dan 115°14′55″ Lintang Timur. Ibukota provinsinya ialah Denpasar. Dengan luas wilayah sekitar 5.636,66 km2. Wisatanya yang lengkap mulai budaya, alam laut hingga gunung), kuliner, dan masih banyak lagi membuat Bali menjadi tujuan utama wisata kelas dunia.
Perjalanan menuju Bali sangat mudah dapat dicapai melalui darat, laut maupun udara. Setelah sampai diBali perjalanan dapat dilanjutkan dengan sewa kendaraan ataupun bergabung di travel karena agak sulit untuk mencari kendaraan umum di Bali. Berbagai hotel dan penginapan tersedia melimpah hampir merata diseluruh Bali dengan harga dan fasilitas bervariasi.
Description of Dive Site.words by Kartika Dewi
Berikut beberapa lokasi penyelaman yang dapat dikunjungi di Bali. Tentunya masih banyaklokasi penyelaman, seperti Seraya-Puri jati- Secret Bay yang terkenal dengan muck divenya. Di 3 lokasi ini, dengan mata yang jeli ditambah kamera dengan kemampuan macro yang bagus, dijamin puas. Mulai dari sea horse, ghost pipe sampai mimic octopus,dll. Suka yang bervarias namun dalam satu kompleks? Tentunya harus menyambangi Taman Nasional Bali Barat. Dengan pesonapenyelaman utama yaitu Pulau Menjangan. Setiap sisi pulai ini punya keunikan dan tantangan sendiri. Wall di pos 2, Garden Eel, Healthy reef di pos 1 dan Wreck, Utara Pulau/Pura dengan wall dan schooling ikannya dan masih banyak lagi. Sebagai menu pembuka acara dive di Bali, berikut beberapa diantaranya.
Sanur is known as a tranquil coastal destination to both local and international visitors. The area boasts perfect sunrise view backed by the Mount Agung, white sand beach , colorful Jukung- traditional fishermen boat- lined up on the beach, calm night life, and also dive sites. There are several dive sites in Sanur where you can discover the beauty of Bali’s underwater world without spending so much time crossing the ocean,eg. Penjor Reefs, Chanel Point and Jeladi Willis. Encounter the group of razor fish, Nudibranch, anemone fish, lion fish, and more! Happy go lucky, you may encounter sea horse or White Tip Shark.
Visibility : 5-15 meter
Animal : Healthy Coral Sea horse, Blue ring Octopus, lion fish Black tip shark
Deep : 8-20 meter
Current : Normal
Nusa Penida
Crossing the Badung Strait to Nusa Penida. The voyage is going to take ±45 minute depends on the sea and weather condition. Upon arrival, you’ll be amazed by the crystal clear water the picturesque view of the landscape. Nusa Penida boasts several dive sites, which are Crystal Bay, Blue Corner, SD Point, Gamad Bay, Sakenan, Batu Abah, Sampalan, Manta Point, and Ped.
Nusa Penida water offers you a challenging drift dive. The myriad types of Marine life, name it Manta Ray, Nudibranch, Sea Snake, Moray eel, and many more, are going to remark your dive trip. During June to October, the peak season for the dive industry in Bali, more divers come to those sites trying their luck to watch the Ocean Sun Fish –Mola mola- doing its annual cleaning ritual.
Visibility : 10 – 30 meter
Animal : excellent coral
June – October “Mola-Mola” Great Giant Sun Fish Flat Head, sweet Lips, turtle, Nudibranch, sea snake
Deep : 8- 40 more meter
Current : slow to strong
Manta Point
Manta Point, located in Nusa Penida’s water area, is divers’ favorite. No guarantee, but the Mantas are seen almost every day at this site. The beauty of the Mantas swimming around and food gathering is astonishing. The visibility at this site is not excellent because of the water contains tons of planktons, the main diet of the Mantas.
Visibility : 5 – 15 meter
Animal : Good Coral
Giant Manta Ray, Giant Black Manta, Octopus, Blue spotted sting ray, Nudibranch
Grey reef shark.
Deep : 5- 15 meter For Manta until 30 more meter
Current : Surge
Amed is a fisherman village now has turned into a tourism village where hotels and resorts hung on its cliff. However, night in Amed is as quiet as night in the forest. Daytime is the best time in Amed. Along the Far East coast there are several beaches you can explore. The beaches are not only good for swimming but also for snorkeling. Ask the local about the current because sometimes a strong current come, make sure you won’t get caught by the current. Amed’s beaches have black sand and stone in some beach. Jemeluk beach is a protected area where you can see corals and fishes and down below Eka Purnama Bungalows in Selang, after the stone beach is the most favorite snorkeling site in Amed.
Japanese Shipwreck in Amed located down below Eka Purnama bungalows is also interesting. Amed is a little village living from fishing and also famous as the producer of salt. Amed’s salt is the best salt of the island and exported to some countries in the world. The shipwreck is not too big, approximately 6meters long and stay still only around 4meters below the sea surface. No one knows the history behind the shipwreck, the local said that the ship previously used by the Japanese army as transportation from the main big vessel to the land. No scary story about this shipwreck. A pigmy seahorse found nestling in a sea fan next to the shipwreck, Nudibranch is common sight for macro lover, and at coral garden next to the shipwreck is the spot to encounter sea turtle and cuttlefish if you are lucky. Be aware of the current. The visibility is usually very good because of the volcano stones of the beach keep the water crystal-clear and gemstone blue.
Visibility : 8 – 13 meter
Animal : Good Coral
Giant Manta Ray, Giant Black Manta, Octopus, Blue spotted sting ray, Nudibranch
Grey reef shark.
Deep : 5 until 30 more meter
Current : middle – strong
The US Liberty Shipwreck in Tulamben, Karangasem regency is one of the most popular dive sites in the island. This shipwreck is one of the safest wreck dives in the world. It is a beach entry site since the shipwreck is just a few meters away from the shore. The armed cargo ship was built in 1918 and served as a supply ship during World War II. It was toIDRedoed by Japanese submarine I-166 in 1942 while in the southwest strait of Lombok. The ship was rescued and towed towards Bali by a Dutch destroyer the HNLMS Van Ghent. The damage done to the ship was so great that the attempt to reach Singaraja failed, the crew was evacuated and the ship was beached in Tulamben. The 120m long Shipwreck crashed beneath the water during Gunung Agung violent eruption. It now lies on a black sand shelf that slopes from about 6-30m.
Now the shipwreck is covered by a striking array of coral reefs. A broad range of fish live there name it Sweet Lips, Surgeon fish, Moray Eel, Ghost Pipe Fish and many more. The common sight at the site is Schooling Big Eye Trevally while the adventurous diver can’t stand not to discover every corner of the wreck and longing to see the most famous Great Barracuda known as the guardian of the shipwreck, the Napoleon, pigmy seahorse and many other creatures that you may encounter when you are lucky.
Other sites in Tulamben are Coral Garden and Drop off. At Coral Garden, the sea bed covered by healthy soft corals and hard coral. Be ready to encounter the beauty of ribbon eel living at this site. While Drop off is a fascinating site where various types of fish roaming around and corals hanging on the wall. Sometimes shark is seen at this site.
LIBERTY Ship wreck
Visibility : 8 – 13 meter
Animal : Good Coral
School of Travel jack fish, Giant Barracuda, Grouper
Deep : 5 until 30 more meter
Current : middle – strong
Only 40minutes drive to the east from Tulamben, you’ll discover the untouched beauty of Penuktukan underwater. At Penuktukan, you are going to make remarkable shore dives where you’ll encounter boomies combine with mini wall where the healthy corals grow and various types of fish undisturbed.
Visibility : 15 meter
Animal : Healthy Coral
School of Indian Snapper, Giant Sweetlips, Great size of Grouper, school of fusilier.
Lucky dive! White Tip Shark may be seen.
Deep : 5 until 30 more meter
Current : middle – strong
Bondalem and Surrounded
A small unpopular village for traveler where some simple but excellent accommodations are available for people who treasure tranquility, Bondalem is actually a meditation destination and hidden paradise for divers. Enjoy the shore dive and encounter the abundant of marine life such as schooling of long fin banner fish, Nudibranch, snappers, garden eel, and many of lion fish. The other value to dive here is you can see ultimate show of how local people took the first line to manage their reef
Visibility : 15 meter
Animal : Healthy Coral
Long fin banner fish, Nudibranch, snappers, garden eel, and lion fish.
Deep : 5 until 30 more meter
Current : middle – strong
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